National Institute of Immunology (NII)
0-5 Years
New Delhi
New Delhi
Job Details:
Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow /Junior Research Fellow (Project) for the following time-bound sponsored project as per the details given below:
Name of the Project: Procurement of Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline at ESRF, France
Post Details: SRF / JRF (Project) one post
Job Description:
Ideal applicant should be self motivated and experienced in handling Molecular Biological techniques/ protein crystallization and structure determination.
Besides carrying out research, the incumbent should assist in managing the project for data collection at BM14 beamline of ESRF, France.
Post Investigator/ e-mail id: Dr. Dinakar M. Salunke/
1. SRF / JRF (Project): M. Sc. / B.Tech in life sciences/biotechnology/biophysics/biochemistry. Candidates with two years experience can be considered for the post of SRF (Project).
The selected candidates will draw consolidated emoluments as per Institute Rules. The slabs for SRF /JRF (Project) are mentioned below:
SRF (Project)- Rs. 14000/- consolidated p.m. plus 30% HRA (likely to be revised)
JRF (Project)- Rs. 12000/- consolidated p.m. plus 30% HRA
The posts exist in sponsored projects and are purely temporary. There shall be no claim for regularisation against any core posts of the Institute.
The candidates selected for the above posts will be on contract for one year or duration of the project whichever is shorter, at a time. The contract wherever applicable can be renewed on year to year basis within the project duration, subject to a maximum period of 7 years accumulation in one/several project.
No hostel/ housing facility will be provided. However allotment of shared dormitory accommodation can be considered depending on availability. No HRA will be payable if such accommodation is availed of.
Number of posts may vary and shall be need based. Advertisement is no commitment.
Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
Applicants may clearly mention the category they belong to i.e SC/ST/OBC /PH and attach documentary proof of the same.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview if called for.
Name of three references.